For all intents, constructions, and purposes
For all intents, constructions, and purposes attempts to weave the aesthetics of communication and practical logic of a governmental agency with sculptural and performative considerations. Risk-averse in nature, these elements speak to dramatic reenactments from exposé stories - warning the audience not to fall prey to the weaknesses of the human condition. Living and breathing this cautionary tale is the artist, kept alive on the promise of risk that never pays off and with the injuries of ceaseless production.
Based on the framework of the artist as laborer and the gallery as workplace, For all intents, constructions, and purposes restages institutional attempts to create communal safety. This restaging is a display of how these attempts often fail, resulting only in self-preservation. Where is the line between art and work when both rely so heavily on visual and performative structures?
In this theatrical enactment, Ambrose Trataris will perform a demonstration on how to escape, using the language of emergency response training such as demonstrations, video works, and live sound elements.